
Melissa is useful for tension, moodiness, confusion and nerves


SKU: 99-000-259 Categories: ,

Melissa is a special herb with curative properties. Melissa is a plant that resembles mint and smells like lemon. According to the ESCOP melissa soothes tension, moodiness, confusion and nerves. Moreover, the Committee E support that tea of melissa acts against insomnia and it relieves nerves and anxiety. Additionally, it’s a great herb for the digestive system, soothes the stomach cramps and has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Melissa enhances the memory and reduces the phenomenon of dementia.

Scientific name: Melissa officinalis

Per Organization's system


Product Type

Clinical surveys support that melissa decreases the symptoms of cold. Moreover, melissa improves memory

* Calms tension and anxiety

* Calms and soothes insomnia

* Ideal digestive

* Anti-inflammatory action

* Antiseptic action

* Enhances memory

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