FULLA-ALEXANDREIAS fulla-alexandrias

Alexandria leaves

It is used as a powerful laxative in the treatment of constipation


SKU: 99-000-098 Categories: ,

Alexandria leaves act as a laxative. The leaves of alexandria contain sennosides A and B, which is hydrolyzed by gut bacteria and restore the normal functioning of the colon. Additionally, the alexandria leaves contain glycosides, which act similarly as a laxative and aiding digestion. It is very active and for this reason it is good to use it with caution. You should add ginger, fennel and anise.

Scientific name Senna Alexandrina

Per Organization's system



It is very important that you make your tea with right way.

You should add one teaspoon of herb. You should never boil them with water but you must always leave it for 8-10 minutes in boiled water.
If you choose to drink ice, you should put the alexandria leaves for 8-12 hours.You should consume the alexandria leaves at night

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