
Sage essential oil

It heals the cold and flu


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The sage essential oil has strong smell. Sage’s aroma has mucolytic and treats the running nose. So, it is recommended that the sage essential oil because it heals the cold and flu. Additionally, it is useful for production facial creams, mainly for oily skin. It is true that the sage essential oil balances the production of sebum and astringent action. It can be added to shampoo because it maintains the natural color of hair, without damaging the hair and burdening the skin with dangerous chemicals.

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* Forbid to drink, it does not safe.
* Forbid to drink if you pregnant
* You do not use it when you consume alcohol because it causes intense intoxication

* For menopausal hot flashes: You might throw a drop in 5ml almond oil and apply the mixture on the chest and armpits.

* Inhalations for colds: You might throw a few drops of sage essential oil in burner and it will relieve the stuffy nose. You can combine with eucalyptus essential oil. Also, it cleans the atmosphere.

* The sage essential oil can relieve muscular aches, backache, a stiff neck, cramps and dysmenorrhea; you might add 2-3 drops of massage oil.

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